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Post-operative recommendations after plastic surgery vary depending on the procedure and Dr. Guberman’s instructions. Here are some general recommendations:

  • Follow your surgeon’s instructions.
  • Rest and recover.
  • Treat the wound according to instructions.
  • Use compression and elevate the operated area if necessary.
  • Manage pain according to the surgeon’s recommendations.
  • Adopt a healthy diet to promote healing.
  • Avoid tobacco and alcohol during the pre-operative and recovery periods.
  • Keep up to date with recommended medical check-ups.

These recommendations are general and must be adapted to your individual situation. Follow your surgeon’s instructions for optimal recovery.

Dr. Guberman and his team will give you personalized instructions based on the procedure you have undergone, to facilitate your healing and recovery.



General anesthesia puts the patient completely to sleep during the procedure, preventing him or her from feeling pain or being aware of what’s happening. Local anesthesia only numbs the area being treated, without altering the patient’s consciousness, who remains awake.

The choice between these two types of anesthesia depends on the aesthetic procedure, its complexity, the patient’s preference and the surgeon’s opinion.
Dr. Guberman will evaluate various factors such as the duration and extent of the surgery, the patient’s general health and medical history to ensure comfort and safety throughout the procedure.

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) uses the patient’s own blood to stimulate skin and tissue regeneration, and is then centrifuged and reinjected into targeted areas to improve skin texture, reduce wrinkles and scars, and stimulate hair growth. This treatment is generally safe, using the patient’s own biological resources, but results may vary. Consult Dr. Guberman to find out if PRP is right for you.

PRP offers several advantages over other aesthetic treatments: use of the patient’s own biological resources, stimulation of natural skin and tissue regeneration for rapid healing and long-lasting results, improvement of skin texture by promoting collagen and elastin production, safety with few risks as it uses the patient’s own biological components, versatility for various aesthetic procedures such as facial rejuvenation, treatment of acne scars and hair regrowth, and no need for invasive surgery as it is administered via injections.

During your aesthetic consultation with Dr. Guberman, he will discuss all aspects of surgery with the patient, including potential benefits and risks. He will show before and after images of patients who have given consent to share their photos for educational purposes, and will be attentive to all your questions and needs. Dr. Guberman is surrounded by a team that will support you throughout your journey and help alleviate any concerns or apprehensions. It’s important to note that results vary from patient to patient, and Dr. Guberman will guide you in making the appropriate cosmetic surgery decisions for your needs.

Recovery time after surgery depends on the type and complexity of the procedure. In general, some surgical procedures may require a recovery time of a few days to a few weeks. However, it is essential to follow Dr. Guberman’s advice and instructions to ensure optimal recovery. Each patient and each procedure is unique, so it’s best to consult your healthcare professional for a more precise estimate of recovery time specific to your case.

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